Sunday, September 25, 2011

Problems in Digital Media Update

For my final project in Digital media I have changed form the Aperture Science Live action film to a genre that is aimed more towards my strength and my career, animation.

I am planning on prepareing at least two animations for judgement in my class, so if one is rejected, I still have the other to build upon. The first idea is an animation with a story that I create on my own. What I plan to do I will still keep a mystery because I don't want to spoil too much of the story online before it's even approved.

But not to worry! I have a feeling that whatever I create will be my greatest animation to date.

More updates are to come soon and on Tuesday evening I hope to have my animation idea posted here. Till then I hope you all have plesant evening.

-- VMS

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aperture Science Project Proposal

I also had a video to be played while I said this text:


Gentelmen, welcome to Apreture Science.

Pavers for the future, we are making new technologies our competetors have not yet even dreamed of. Here at Apreture Science we don't take the great, we take the best, and expect nothing less out of our science.

Through the sweat and blood of our loyal lab bodies, and mostly from my pocket, we have been able to construct the perfect testing chambers and products. From panels, to portal devices we have cracked theories of quantum space and have done it in record time.

Now I'm not going to lie the progression has been tough and more stressful than my doctors say a normal human should handle, but what do they know? We are making new innovations to benefit most everyone, especially, you, the investors.

Now we get to the real meat and why you are all here. Now is the time to invest in a wondrous piece of history in the making. Your part in the movement for Apreture Science will allow for the company's growth and success, with the added bonus of the eventual growth of your own wallets. And come on who wouldn't love the chance to brag and say, "hey I helped to change the world by doing nothing but donate a few million bucks." So what do you say? Let's just get those signing pens out and make the checks out to cash.

And I had this video prepared, please click on the LINK! RIGHT HERE! ALL OF THIS TEXT GOES TO THE MOVIE TO VIEW IN QUICKTIME!

Aperture Science logos, music, clips and characters are Copyright Valve Inc.

Thank you