Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aperture Science Project Proposal

I also had a video to be played while I said this text:


Gentelmen, welcome to Apreture Science.

Pavers for the future, we are making new technologies our competetors have not yet even dreamed of. Here at Apreture Science we don't take the great, we take the best, and expect nothing less out of our science.

Through the sweat and blood of our loyal lab bodies, and mostly from my pocket, we have been able to construct the perfect testing chambers and products. From panels, to portal devices we have cracked theories of quantum space and have done it in record time.

Now I'm not going to lie the progression has been tough and more stressful than my doctors say a normal human should handle, but what do they know? We are making new innovations to benefit most everyone, especially, you, the investors.

Now we get to the real meat and why you are all here. Now is the time to invest in a wondrous piece of history in the making. Your part in the movement for Apreture Science will allow for the company's growth and success, with the added bonus of the eventual growth of your own wallets. And come on who wouldn't love the chance to brag and say, "hey I helped to change the world by doing nothing but donate a few million bucks." So what do you say? Let's just get those signing pens out and make the checks out to cash.

And I had this video prepared, please click on the LINK! RIGHT HERE! ALL OF THIS TEXT GOES TO THE MOVIE TO VIEW IN QUICKTIME!

Aperture Science logos, music, clips and characters are Copyright Valve Inc.

Thank you



  1. Interesting idea, so basically you will be creating a kind of memoir of Cave Johnson's contributions over time to Aperture Labs? Is this going to be kind of like the Myst style with Atrus and his library as he reflects on his linking books kind of thing? What I mean is, are you going to be using the idea to reflect back in time and then switch to the present? When I read about your ideas it reminded me of Myst, Gehn and Atrus for some reason. If you aren't familiar with the Myst series I highly recommended checking it out, they have a very unique kind of story line that is nicely played out as you view the antagonists' and protagonists' lives through your very own eyes in the form of a memoir. Are you still using Flash for this? Maybe instead of just solely using Flash, if you are, is to incorporate some other kinds of footage that are not animated or cartoon like to give the movie era's a different feel, like from going to the past or present, using black and white for one and color for the other, or maybe animation for some of it and real life for another.

  2. Hi Max,
    This is quite interesting a very good start! So if I understand correctly, being completely ignorant of this particular game save for seeing some demos and your video linked here, what you are describing is to create a kind of machinima/video documentary prequel to the game? The backstory if you will of the character Cave Johnson?

    Very interesting idea - you are crossing into the realm of "fan fiction" in quite an intriguing way. I want you to read this book: http://books.google.com/books/about/Fans_bloggers_and_gamers.html?id=jj2eKl3NcBEC

    If you don't want to buy it or can't find it in the local library I have a personal copy at home that I would be glad to lend to you on my return from Istanbul. I think this book will be very interesting to you!

    I like Jett's comment on thinking of what media to use for this - I think mixing machinima, flash, video footage of you in character, etc will make for an interesting mix.

    My suggestion for the installation of the work would be for you to think about installing the set of his office in our exhibition space with the video/machinima you create either playing on his desktop computer or projected or???

    Really interesting idea! Go with it! Get to work! I want to see some progress for next week.

    Thanks for putting in the time to make a serious proposal - reflects 6 hours of work! Good stuff Max!

  3. Portal is an awesome game! One of those games that your don't turn off until you beat every single level. Very addicting. The premise of the game requires you to think your way through each puzzle while considering how various variables might affect what you are doing. I think that your project should have some type of interactivity on this level. If some how your film could interactive requiring the user to make navigate their way through your fan fiction story. This would be cool.
